The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Sunday, May 12, 2013

London Days 5 and 6: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime and church!

yet another awesome two days in London, Saturday was a much more relaxing day than I have been having. I slept in and got probably the first full nights sleep since I've had since being in London. The hightlight of the day was definitely the show we went to see as a class: The Curious incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. This show was amazing, and SO hard to explain. it was about an autistic boy, and was staged so well. the set was awesome. it was completely covered with a grid, there were lots of lights...

these were the best pictures of it I could find online.  lots of those squares on the floor were actually trapped doors that they pulled props out of, or tables that rose out of the floor, stairs came out of the wall, as well as doors. everything was a chalkboard, the whole back wall moved forward at one point and the whole front part of the stage sunk down,...I really cant even explain it, it was amazing. the use of sound and light was amazing too, it really got you into the main character's head. overall, it was a really fantastic piece of modern theater. The use of technology blew my mind.

that night we went to Portabello road, right as it was closing unfortunately. its in adorable part of town with a huge market, we are definitely going back sometime soon!

Sunday was great. we have all been assigned different wards throughout the stake. Me and about 8 other people are assigned to the Whitechapel ward. its small, and so diverse. there are people from every continent in the ward. Everyone was so kind and welcoming, I cant wait to go back!

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