The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Friday, May 10, 2013

London Days 3&4: Othello, Buckingham Palace and Singin' in the Rain!

Hello again from London! I've only been here for 4 days, but I already feel so at home! On Thursday, we started the day with a Shakespeare Walk around London, we went to Middle Temple Hall, the location where the first production of Twelfth Night was performed, and got to sit at a table where Queen Elizabeth I and Shakespeare sat!
from there we walked across the Thames to the Globe Theatre, as well as the site of the original Globe.

Close by was Borough Market, were all sorts of food was for sale, one of our professors told us the grilled cheese was the best thing ever, so we took his advice, and he was right! a little different than American grilled cheese, mostly because the cheese here is so much better, and they put onions on it which was interesting. the only way to describe it is that it tasted very British, but it was awesome.

 That night we saw Othello at the Lion and Unicorn Theatre. its a little tiny theater above a pub in a residential area of London. Our class took up most of the audience, but the show was really good! the actors did an awesome job and It was a really great first Shakespeare show to go to in London.

This morning after class, we headed over to Buckingham Palace, we walked around there, through Green park, and took the tube to Primark, a store we've been hearing a ton about. it was a huge clothing store that I could really only compare to forever 21, but about 50 times crazier!!

This evening we saw Singing in the Rain , and it was SO GOOD! I've never seen the movie so I didn't really know what to expect, but it was absolutely amazing. its exactly the type of musical I like, romance, iconic songs, big dance numbers, I loved it! the entire thing was just so happy and upbeat, you couldn't help but be happy watching it. one of the best parts of the show was the rain, it literally rained on the stage! like the first few rows of people got wet when he danced. unexpected, but SO COOL! everything about this show was such a classic musical, I couldn't help but re realize that musicals are probably my favorite thing on planet earth, or at least pretty far up on the list!

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