The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Aida Auditions

This past week was auditions for Aida and its definitely been a crazy week. On the first day of auditions everyone was supposed to sing a song from a musical. I had been practicing my song, Defying Gravity from Wicked for a few weeks. Brandon told me that I was sounding pretty good, but I was still scared to death. I drank so much water that I never wanted to look at water ever again, listened to my song every extra moment I had. when my name was called I got up on stage and started my song. I was sure that I sounded horrible and was shaking really bad. but when I got down, everyone told me that I had done well, and after I thought about it for a while I realized that I was actually really proud of myself. after everyone had sung their song, we all sang some songs from Aida, which was really fun. On the second day of auditions, we read lines from the play. I was pretty worried about this part because I have never really acted before, but it ended up being really fun, much more fun than I had expected. On the last day of auditions we sang the songs from Aida that we were assigned to sing. I was pretty nervous about this too, but it went pretty well. 

so all that was left to do was wait and see who got what part. I didn't really tell very many people, but I really wanted a part...a lead actually. I knew that not very many of the people who were also auditioning thought I would get a part, because this is really my first time doing this. But I really just wanted to prove those people wrong. I was really proud of what I had done. a few months ago I never would have gotten on stage and sung by myself like that. 

After some waiting and freaking out, I got a call from Brandon, and he told me that I got the part of Aida! so Im feeling really excited, a little freaked out, and so so thankful to have the chance to do this.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Give Thanks

soooo because it was thanksgiving yesterday, I couldn't help but think about all of the things I am thankful for. And one of the biggest things I am thankful for in my life are all of the amazing people that are a part of it. I have such an amazing family, I couldn't ask for anything better. I am also blessed to have the rest of the most amazing people on the planet as my friends. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. They love me, they make me laugh, they believe in me and listen to me, they care about me, and I love them more than anything. so to all of the awesome people in my life, I am so grateful I know you, thank you so much for blessing my life!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Poetry Project

Ok, so I'm not exactly a poetry person normally, but Ms Powell has us do this project whenever we study poetry. its a poetry anthology, where we choose some of our favorite poems that we have studied and we do some sort of artistic representation of it. I love doing this project because by the end of Ms Powells poetry units I usually totally love the poetry we have gone over. For my anthology I chose a few of Shakespeare's sonnets, and a couple poems by Sir Thomas Wyatt the elder.

I absolutely love all of these poems, but I think Shakespeare's sonnet 116 is my favorite, I even memorized it. it is a pretty awesome description of love...and I just love it. Forget not yet is my other favorite. its actually really sad, but an amazing poem too. So I don't know, maybe I don't really hate poetry, I guess I just need to take the time to actually read it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Noises Off Closing Weekend

Closing weekend of Noises Off went really well. I just cant believe its all over. I have had so much fun with all of the cast and crew during the months of rehearsal and being backstage during a show is always so much fun, with all of the breakdowns, mess ups, stories, door knobs and prop problems it is definitely not boring. although a few of us did manage to take a nap or two during the shows. Being a stage manager is definitely a stressful job. but if you stay organized and work hard on it, its really not that bad and is actually really really fun. So although I'm sad that Noises Off is over, i cant wait to start working on Aida!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Noises Off Opening Weekend

The Friday of opening night I stayed at school for about 15 hours I think. As soon as I was done with school I went right in to making sure backstage was all set up as well as the set. Opening night was crazy, there were quite a few people there and all the cast members were pretty nervous. But once the play started there was no going back. During the first two acts I honestly felt sort of like i was watching a train wreck. lines were messed up, sound was messed up, I just didn't know exactly what to do to help. But by the time The third act started I knew there was not much else I could do. When the play finally ended I know most of the cast members felt a little defeated, but we had a great audience who said that they didn't notice anything, and that the play was amazing.

The second night of the play was tons better, although there were not many people there to watch it. Everyone was done stressing and the play went a lot more smoothly. plus I was not on book reading along while the cast was on stage, which made me feel a lot better.

After we cleaned up all of the cast and crew went to IHOP, a Ben Holt Drama Department tradition. I got home at midnight, happy to finally be able to sleep after such a crazy night.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Noises Off Dress Rehersal

So I'm finally doing my first post! I've been waiting for something worthwhile to write about and now I have it! Today was the dress rehearsal for my school's production of Noises Off, which i am the stage manager of. Although rehearsal was long (3:00 to 8:00) and there were a few hilarious mess a doorknob incident...some laughter on stage...and some crazy hair, it reminded my why I enjoy theater so much. After all of the rehearsals and memorizing and stressing and craziness, its all finally coming together and has been worth it all. I'm still not completely sure why i love it all so much...maybe its the stress, being a part of a tight knit group, or the creative process...but whichever it is, there is a feeling that you get when you are backstage that is totally unique and impossible to describe. Tomorrow is opening night and although part of me is still stressing about it all...i just cant wait to be backstage tomorrow night with all of the cast members.

In other exciting news....the musical being put on next semester is Aida! which I am so excited to be a part of.