The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Friday, October 7, 2011

smell most definitely IS closely connected to memory

yes I know this is my second post today, but the topic is so different than what I just posted that I decided to give it its own post. So here is my story:
Kelsey (my amazingly awesome roommate who I love SO much) sprayed some hairspray a little bit ago, and the smell of the hairspray instantly made me think of sitting in the green room for Guys and Dolls my Junior year of high school. isn't that weird? just one scent totally transported me back to that show, not just visually, but I can clearly remember all of the emotions, and the whole vibe I associate with being backstage during that show. Doing that show really was an incredible experience, and it sort of makes sense that I associate the smell of that hairspray with that since not only did we use in on our hair in that show, but all of the female members of the cast used it multiple times a night so that we didn't get any snags in our nylons.

so now that I read all of that I realize that I sound like a total freak, but its true! that what happened to me. and it really made me miss Ben Holt theater. probably because in high school, theater was a safe place. It was a place where everyone knew and for the most part cared about each other, it was familiar. now that Im out of high school theater is scary and unknown, but Im so excited to be involved. The show Im doing sound for opened today, we performed it in one of the TMA classes and It went really well. Im excited to be involved in it for another week or so. lets just hope that my next experience in the theater world here at BYU comes soon!

did that really just happen?

so something sort of crazy happened today. I got out of class today with half an hour of free time before I had something to do. I decided to kill some time by walking around the bookstore. So I was there, minding my business when I saw someone that I recognized, but didn't think in a million years I would ever see. Standing there in the middle of the bookstore was one of the contenders from this current season of Project Runway! I know! totally random right?! his name is Josh....something, I dont remember his last name, and I knew he was LDS, but how RANDOM is that?!  Im a huge project runway fan so I decided I might as well say hi to him. I don't exactly remember how the conversation went because I was sort of freaking out inwardly, but I said something about recognizing him, but somehow left out the part about project runnway, so he spend the first half of our conversation wondering if he knew me from when he came to BYU. but after we established that I definitely had never met him before, we talked for a minute, and I walked out of the bookstore thinking about how crazy life is sometimes