The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Monday, May 21, 2012


Well guys, yesterday I had to say bye to one of my best friends, Seth who leaves on his mission to mexico tomorrow! and about two weeks ago I had to say good bye to another friend, jarrod who is leaving for his mission to canada a week after seth. It was sad having to say bye to these guys. so this post is a shout out to them, my brother Alex who leaves at the end of the summer, and all of the amazing guys I met this past year at BYU that I had to say goodbye to.

I knew seth before college and Alex is my brother but other than that I met all of these guys this year and I came to love all of them so much. I saw each of them prepare to receive their mission calls and was so excited for each of them when it finally came. Until this year I had never been very close with anyone who left on their mission and this year I really began to understand the amount of sacrifice that is required to leave everything and everyone you know to serve for two years. It amazes me how excited and willing they all are to do this and I am so proud of all of the missionaries/future missionaries in my life.  saying goodbye is so hard but knowing that they are leaving to serve heavenly fathers children all over the globe makes it so worth it.

Here is a picture a guy in my BYU ward made that has pictures of the guys where they are going to be serving thier missions. how cool is this. guys from just the BYU 111th ward are going to be all over the world next year!
well I guess thats about all I have to say right now. Im really just so incredibly proud of the guys in my life and the amazing things they are doing. Im sad their going (so so sad to have to go back to school in the fall without them) but I know that they are doing what they are supposed to and I love them all for that.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

my trip to NYC

so I know its been a few days, but Im finally getting around to telling you guys about my trip to new york. I told you about my first two days there, so I am going to start with what we did monday. to give you guys a little bit of background on the trip, it was with my sewing professors and some other students. they did this trip back when there was a clothing and textiles department. that department doesnt exist any more but we still have all the same types of appointments that are focused on the clothing industry for the most part. our group had about 22 people I think. most were students. we had two professors. a few moms, a dad, a grandma and a tour guide. so here we go, Ill start with monday.

our first appointment on monday was the Tobe report, which is a fashion forecasting service that has been publishing upcoming trends for retailers for almost a hundred years. they have a fairly small team, so one of the editors talked to us, and she was surprisingly young. our next appointment was with an interior designer. he showed us around a show room and talked to us about what type of stuff he does. my mom and I went with some other students and one of the professors to the fashion district to do some fabric shopping which was so much fun. first let me make it clear that the fashion district is not where all of the shopping is, its where lots of clothes and stuff are made so it isnt exactly the nicest part of town and ive got to say that the front windows of some of these fabric stores were a little scary, but it was a billion times better than going to Joans for fabric and I ended up finding some great stuff

this was probably the best day of the entire trip. we started by going to Parson-Meres costume studio. this is one of the places that costume designers will send their designs to be build for shows. we got to see all kinds of things including the costumes for the dancing statues from Mary Poppins, the flying monkeys from Wicked, and all sorts of things from the Lion King. They tend to do the crazier costumes and it was really cool to be able to see the process. Our next appointment was with Womens Wear Daily. I didnt know what this was before we visited them but found out that its a daily fashion newspaper basically, and the guy talking to us was really interesting. the next stop we made was the Fashion Institute. they have a museum type of exhibit that had some really awesome pieces, but even cooler than that was we got to go into one of the classrooms and have some more things shown to us. the oldest piece we saw was a corset from the late 1800s and she showed us lots of really cool vintage pieces from the 20's the 50's and up until the 90s. we also got to see wicked on this day which was awesome. somewhere in there my mom and I went to mood fabrics too which was awesome. thats the fabric store the contestants of project runway use and it was so much fun to look around. I even found swatch, the dog which was so exciting for me. he was in a few episodes of the show and so cute!!

The first thing we did on Wednesday was go to Soho and went to the Anna Sui boutique. we talked a little bit about merchandising and the store manager told us her story about moving to New York from china, which was actually really inspiring. after a little time in china town we took a tour of macys where we talked even more about how stuff is merchandised. next we went to Anne Klein Suits which was interesting because we  got to see their show room as well as some of the sample making rooms and stuff. from there we walked through central park to the metropolitan museum of art. after my mom and I finished up there we caught a bus back towards our hotel. we got tickets for newsies which was an amazing show. Ive pretty much been listening to the music non stop since ive been back and I love it!

we were just in new york for the morning on thursday and could do whatever we wanted so my mom and I went to the empire state building, then did some shopping on our way back to times square, did a bit of fabric shopping, went to Rockefeller center, then got on our bus to go to the airport.

this trip really was such an amazing experience. last time I went to New York I thought I completely loved it and now I love it even more. I dont know when Ill be back again but hopefully its not too long because I already which I could go back now!