The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ashley The Pizza Girl

yes its true...I am officially working at Papa Murphys... YAY (that was in a sarcastic tone by the way). My Dad decided that it would be a good idea for Alex and I to work there once a week so we are ready when we work there during the summer. It actually really wasn't that bad...almost kind of fun except that it was work, and that it was 4 hours of work. I worked from 4:30 - 8:30 and now I am home about ready to crash. so yeah, I guess thats about it. But since this is my first job ever, and since I'm starting to work there on a regular basis now, I thought it would be good to document this historic moment in the life of Ashley.

1207 Taylor Hall ( I got the bed by the window!)

Yes! starting August 24 at 12:00 am, this will be my dorm room at BYU! Needless to say I am pretty freaking excited about this. I immediately started making lists in my head of all of the things I would need to pack, and all of the things I would probably forget. So yes, dorm life should be fun, except that I don't have a roommate and at any moment some girl from anywhere in the world might choose the same room as me! I don't know about you but I find that pretty scary. but anyway, thats about it for now...I'll talk more about majors and classes and the rest of my life in the near future because I am talking to a counselor today and hopefully that will help me straighten everything out.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

update on this blog

whats up non existent viewers!?! at this point I still haven't told anyone about my blog really, My mom reads it occasionally, but viewers or not I decided that if I actually write down my goals for this blog, then who knows? I might actually do what I say I'm going to do. For one I'm going to stop waiting for exciting things to happen to post, I mean, I'm not going to post about boring things (hopefully) but I want to post more often. second, I want to make this a little more entertaining to read...I'm not exactly sure how I am going to do this, but Ive been reading a blog thats just fun to read because the person writing it is funny and just writes about things in a super interesting we"ll see how that goes. Thirdly, before I go off to college I want to actually have some followers so it looks like I am going to have to tell people about my blog sometime soon here!

well, thats it for now! need to go to seminary (which would explain why I am blogging at like 5:00 in the morning)

Monday, March 21, 2011


so I don't know exactly what this post is about, but lately I have become completely obsessed with the musical Wicked. I  mean I always loved it, but after months of listening to music from Aida nonstop, I finally started listening to Wicked again, and Ive pretty much been looking up youtube videos and behind the scenes stuff nonstop now. I'm not exactly sure why I love it so much, but for one the sets and costumes and everything are just amazing but other than that the storyline is awesome and it has a really beautiful message about friendship, and acceptance and being yourself. the songs are so great, they just blow my mind... I don't know, I just think it is amazing and that everyone should go and see it. oh, and Elphaba is like the coolest character ever! I swear, one day, and I don't know how I'm going to make this happen, but BYU is going to do Wicked and I want to be Elphaba. I mean, I know thats probably never going to happen, but how awesome would that be!?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Aida closing weekend

closing weekend of Aida went even better than opening weekend. It was so much fun I don't even know how to describe it. I did really well both nights and totally belted my songs, closing night was probably my best night out of all of them. I'm actually really really sad that it is all over. doing this show has been one of the best experiences of my life. I have learned so much and grown so much through this whole experience and i am so thankful to the entire cast and everyone who has helped and supported me

Saturday, March 5, 2011


wow I cant believe I almost forgot to write a post about this! last week I got some amazing news that I was accepted to Brigham Young University, where I have always wanted to go. Its been a long wait and now I'm super excited to go to college and figure out what I am going to do with my life. After looking at all of the theater classes that BYU offers I think I might just declare myself as a theater major instead of taking some theater classes before declaring my major, which was my previous plan. who knows how my plans, interests and dreams will change during college, but I'm sure I will have a lot of fun along the way! stay tuned to find out!

Aida Opening Weekend

Overall, opening weekend for Aida went great, of course there were a few little issues, but overall it was an amazing experience. Opening night was probably one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I was actually pretty calm all day. I didnt really start freaking out until a little before we all had to go backstage when the doors opened. Erin belted out a song with me to calm my nerves which helped for a little. but standing backstage in the dark for half an hour just waiting for the show to start is horrible. I though I was going to puke, which thankfully I didn't do. there was a brief moment of tears but Erin and Brandon didn't let that last long. Thankfully Brandon was backstage the whole whole time, which was especially helpful right before the show started. its nice to have one of your biggest supporters with you to give you a hug, tell you how great you are going to do, and not let you stress too much.

Being on stage during the show was amazing. it was so much fun and I surprised myself that I was able to sing in front of people, like really belt stuff out instead of freezing up. and of course being backstage with everyone was amazing and as fun as ever. When the show was finally over and I walked out to bow...I cant even describe the feeling. I really just felt joy...and like all of my work had finally paid off.

the second night went pretty well for the most part. most of the audience members were people that I knew, so although I wasn't quite as scared before the show started, I was a lot more nervous while on stage. But it went well except for some sound issues that totally messed me up when I sang Easy as Life, so I ended up having to make up the whole end of the song because the music wasn't right when I started the last verse. lets just say that was a scary experience. as soon as the lights blacked out I ran off stage and almost started crying. Good thing I had Brandon back there. he gave me a hug, made me look him in the eyes and said that it was totally fine, that I covered it up well and not to worry about it. The rest of the show went fine, but that mess up still bothered me for a couple days until I finally just let it go.

overall, opening weekend was a complete success. everyone who saw the show had great things to say to me, most of my family and friends were there to support me, and I really ended up facing my fears and did something that I never though i would do in a million years