The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dream Big

So I read a really awesome quote the other day that I thought I would share with you guys:

"you cant do anything interesting with your life until you are willing to fail spectacularly"

I think thats a pretty cool quote and reminds me of some awesome advice my mom once gave me.

well Ive been doing good. Im busier than I have been in a long time, but absolutely loving it. spending time in the costume shop is so much fun, and going to rehearsals and seeing the show come together is so great. Lately ive been a little down. just feeling frustrated and wondering what Im doing with my life. Today at my floor meeting we did this thing called mind mapping which is pretty much just a really cool way of setting goals for yourself and writing down things you want to accomplish and why. I usually find it pretty scary to write down goals because then you are accountable for them. thats why I made a bucket list page on this blog then left it empty for about a year before finally getting rid of it. but despite how uncomfortable I am with writing down my serious goals outside of my academic life, im feeling good now. Im feeling like Ive made a reevaluation of the things that I want, they haven't changed at all, but its nice to re look at them. and now I feel like Im ready to take on the world again and make things happen.