The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

185 reasons to be happy

Here is my ongoing "happy list" of things I love, things I am grateful for, and things that just make me happy to be alive. I am going to keep adding to this list until I really cant think of ANYTHING else in the world, which means it'll keep going for about as long as I keep blogging.

1. my family (of course)
2. my friends
3. my  high school (some people didn't like it there, but I happen to love BHCPA)
4. bright colors
5. gerber daisies (my favorite flower)
6. driving around with people with the windows down blasting music, singing along
7. traveling to new places
8. New York City (im going back someday)
9. Marbella, Spain (the old part of town is the most beautiful place on the planet)
10. soft pretzels
11. Converse
12. dressing up
13. reading on a rainy day
14. sitting on the grass on a sunny day
15. long-running inside jokes
16. laughing so hard you cant breathe
17. my mom making me cinnamon hot chocolate (its always better when she makes it)
18. painting my nails
19. good hair days
20. musicals <3 <3 <3
21. watching illegal recordings of musicals on youtube
22. Jane Eyre (love Mr. Rochester)
23. Pride and Prejudiced (love Darcy too!)
24. blogging (even when no one is reading it)
26. sunshine
27. chocolate
28. that feeling you get when you just know you made the right decision
29. good morning texts
30. scarves
31. wandering around my high school campus 6th period
32. aviator sunglasses
33. playbills (I collect them)
34. wearing skirts
35. windows
36. laying on the ground/floor
37. blankets
38. twix bars (my favorite candy bar)
39. potatoes (lots of my favorite foods happen to be potato related)
40. sleeping for a loooooooong time
41. painting
42. eye shadow
43. a hug from a friend when you really need it
44. photographs
45. making crazy videos
46. when all of your favorite songs are on the radio
47. boots!
48. crazy colored socks
49. wearing your favorite outfit
50. sweaters (because they are so comfy)
51. Wicked!!!
52. my West Side Story tee shirt (love it)
53. being so happy you just want to cry
54. coloring books ;)
55. my planner (if it weren't for my planner, my life wouldn't make sense)
56. the color green (my favorite color for many reasons)
57. when you see a picture of yourself and you look really good
58. When your guy friends are there to protect you
59. stickers...I don't know why
60. Indian food!
61. hammocks
62. playing the piano (even if I'm really bad)
63. guys who are good at something musically
64. cookies
65. eating cookie dough (its better that way...why would you ruin perfectly good cookie dough by baking it?!)
66. when your teachers know you really well
67. blueberry bagels with cream cheese
68. crazy colored pens
69. no homework
70. being healthy
71. being creative
72. crying...sometimes you just need to cry and it makes you feel 100 times better
73. smiling so hard your face hurts
74. free samples at Costco
75. walking into Bath and Body Works for a second just to breath in really deeply
76. blogs
77. that good pain you get from exercising
78. being optimistic
79. that feeling you get when your upset but decide that your just done with whatever it is, and that you are GOING to be happy.
80. sewing...well the process isn't always fun, but the result is awesome!
81. when people say nice things about you
82. cooking (yes mom, I CAN cook)
83. watching tv shows about cake/cupcake decorators
84. those songs that just make u happy no matter what
85. finishing a book and knowing you can finally move on with your life (I tend to get pretty wrapped up in books and don't do much until I finish whatever I'm reading)
86. friendship bracelets
87. being proud of something you have accomplished
88. Mexican food! yum
89. Korean food!! (if you haven't had korean food, you NEED to try it)
90. spirit week at my school, best week of school EVER!
91. naps
92. skinny jeans
93. old shoes that you love and never want to get rid of
94. being good at something
95. harry potter haha, had to put that
96. The Princess favorite movie
97. discovering something that just makes you SO happy
98. highlighters dough (yeah, really)
100. Agatha Christi murder mystery books
101. easter
102. dancing crazy with your best friends
103. swing dancing
104. when things work out exactly how you want the to
105. trying something new
106. music
107. school supplies
108. looking through fashion magazines
109. finishing a sewing project
110. packing for a trip
111. watching project runnway
112. quilts
113. my phone (sometimes)
114. turning off my phone
115. planning
116. dreaming about the future
117. being optimistic
119. BYU sports
120. talking to my hall-mates until 2 in the morning
121. Brigham Young University
122. netflix
123. owl city...I cant believe I didnt put this on the list until now!
124. indian food (chicken tika masala for sure)
125. pictures
126. Christmas lights
127. jazz shoes
128. Hershey's cookies and cream bars
129. going to the temple
130. airports
131. moving from that acquaintance stage to being real friends
132. really caring about people that you don't actually know that well
133. classic Disney movies
134. dresses
135. those songs that you associate with specific good memories
136. birds
137. late night talks with some of my best friends
138. getting back to the dorms at 4:00am
139. going to dances with just the girls. (who needs boys right? haha)
140. going to BYU football games
141. going to BYU Basketball games.
142. cleaning
143. stretching
144. improving at something
145. running around in the snow
146. missionaries
147. being proud of someone else
148. The east coast
149. organizing things
150. accomplishing things you thought you couldnt
151. being proud of yourself
152. seeing things you imagined come to life
153. making movies!
154. being on set
155. collaborative art forms
156. helping to fulfill a directors vision
157. bananas
158. Moulin Rouge (the movie, not the place)
159. green smoothies
160. milkshakes
161. traveling by yourself
163. Big Ben
164. Les Mis
165. traveling by the tube/subway
166. when London is sunny
167. Paris
168. French bakeries
169. fabric shopping in Paris
170. when your friends get married
171. realizing you are an adult
172. Provo
173. The Great Gatsby
174. Roommates
175. Mountain West Burrito Mondays (best tradition ever)
176. being a production designer
177. movie musicals
178. great movies
179. road trips with friends
180. Provo YSA 3rd ward. seriously.
181. getting emails from your missionary friends
182. missionaries hitting their one year mark
184. making new friends
185. home teachers