The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, its finally 2011, which means I have a ton of HUGE changes coming up. college acceptances are coming, as well as graduation, and leaving for college. Its all pretty crazy to think about, and I'm actually trying not to think about it too hard, but its really exciting when you think about it. Its going to be a huge turning point in my life, and although that is pretty scary I am get so excited when I think about all of the experiences and possibilities that I have coming up. So although I really have no idea where this year will take me, here are a few of my predictions/ an outline of things I know will happen this year:

  • January and February are going to be crazy because we have rehearsals for Aida. I am so looking forward to these next two months because although I know they will be hard, I know they will be so rewarding and fun.
  • I am going to find out weather Ive been accepted to BYU. I have already been accepted to SVU which i guess is my second choice, but I just cant wait to get my letter from BYU.
  • GRADUATION! oh wow. some days I cant wait to just graduate and get out of here, but some days I dont want high school to end.
  • summer will be lots of working and spending time with friends
  • then off to college in either utah, idaho or virginia!

wow! talk about scary...but right now Im just excited that I have my final semester of high school to enjoy!