The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Days 7 & 8: Platform 9 3/4,The Mousetrap, and Matilda

London really is such an amazing city. I absolutely love it here. the last few days have been especially good. It all started Monday morning when I got to talk to Alex!! my twin brother is currently on his mission in Australia. so after he called my parents for mothers day, he called me and we ended up talking for 2 1/2 hours! (which if you know Alex, you should be impressed that he talked for that long) it was so good to hear his voice and know that he is doing great and is so happy. I sure do miss him a lot, but I'm so excited for him.

On Monday we also went to the British Library as a group. since the tube stop you get off at is Kings Cross we all decided to take advantage of the opportunity and go to platform 9 3/4. they have a little harry potter store and a place to take pictures. it was all a little cheesy, but I was geeking out pretty hard core.

The geeking out continued as we went to see the Mousetrap that night. This murder mystery play was written by one of my favorite authors, Agatha Christi, and has been running on the west end for about 60 years! the longest running play in history! I've been wanting to see this play for probably around 7 years, so it was so great to actually go see it. the style of the production was definitely a lot older than the modern stuff we have been seeing in London, but I still enjoyed it.

On Tuesday we went to the Museum of London in the morning. I'm not always a person who gets really excited about museums, but this one had lots of really interesting stuff. there was medieval chain mail, dresses from the 1800's to the early 1900's, even a costume from an early production of Peter Pan!

 That evening we went to Wagamamas, a Japanese noodle bar type place that is all over the place here in London. And the food was actually really good! once we finished our meals we had to run all over the west end looking for the theater for Matilda the musical. we sprinted up and down the streets asking for directions and made it to the theater with less than a minute to spare

Matilda was a really interesting show. It was definitely full of really british humor. I thought that the take on the story was a little bit different, but they did some things that I loved. a few of the songs were awesome, it was absolutely hilarious and the set was great. overall I didn't really feel like they captured the essence of the book though.

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