The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Days 25 & 26: last day in Paris, and heading back to London

Our last day in Paris was great. We decided that since we have seen all of the big tourist attractions that we wanted to, we would spend the day shopping and exploring. We started the day heading back to montmartre, the hill behind the moulin rouge that we found the first evening. I still think this is my favorite area of Paris. We spent some time shopping and eating. Seriously, if I could just live in a French bakery for the rest of my life, I probably would. We ran in to some really awesome street performers. It was 3 guys playing music and singing, they were awesome, we stood around listening to them for quite awhile before one of the other girls and I talked ourselves into buying CDs, which I'm way excited about. 

After more food and more shopping, we dropped our stuff off at the hotel before exploring what we were hoping would be a cool part of town, we saw the French statue of liberty, which I had no idea was so tiny, then walked a ways up to a fabric store I had the address for. This store was awesome! It was mostly end cuts of designer fabrics, so I was literally looking though fabrics with tags that said Hermes and Lois Vuton. All the fabric was beautiful, and I even ended up buying a couple pieces. From there we decided to take the tube to the spanish quarter and walk around, after walking around, looking at the cool shops and restaurants, we ended up running into some of the other girls from our program! We walked around a little and found a place to eat. We had a great time sitting outside a restaurant, some awesome pasta, and hearing about each other's adventures.

That night we wanted to see more of paris at night, so we went and took pictures of notre dame and the lourve. Paris really is gorgeous at night, even if it is a little scary. On our way home we had to grab one last nutella banana crepe to say goodbye to Paris!

The next morning we got up early and got back on the Train to take us back to London. By the way, British boarder control is crazy! They question you a ton, especially if you are student type age. But I guess it's a good thing. We rode the train for two hours before arriving back in. London.

SO, to wrap up my time in Pars, I've come to the conclusion that I love this city, or parts of it at least. It reminds me a lot of New York,  it's pretty dirty and I hate the metro, especially compared to the London tube, but overall it really is a  beautiful city. I love Montmartre, and the areas around Notre Dame and the Luxembourg palace and hope to visit them again some day. I loved the time I spent in Paris, but coming back to London definitely felt a bit like coming home

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