The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Semester, New Projects, New Challenges

Winter semester is well under way, my schedule is finally finalized and just as busy as ever! This semester may very well kill me, but it looks like it might be the most amazing semester I've had so far. Im taking Costume Design, Scenic Design, a religion class, auditing a special topics costume construction, and the rest of my credits this semester are coming from the design projects I'm working on. speaking of design projects, here is the rundown:

Henry V:
This will be my first time designing costumes for a play at BYU. it opens in just a few days and I am so excited. I designed it last semester, and this semester we did all of the fittings and alterations. I have definitely had some ups and downs with this project. Because it was my fist time working with the costume shop as a designer, there have been some times where I honestly had no idea what I was doing and started doubting my ability to pull this off. So it took some time to figure out what I was doing, but now that I have a little better hold of everything, I think it is looking really great. I have been obsessed with the concept of this show since the beginning of last semester, and cant wait for it to open.

Without a Rope:
I am working on another student capstone film this semester. After working on Mirror Portrait last semester, I realized that I loved film and couldn't wait to design the costumes for another. Luckily, a friend of mine is directing one of the capstones this winter, and asked me to do the costumes for him. The main portion of the script is about the main character rock climbing. and there is enough blood, sweat, and rain to make my job really interesting and challenging. figuring out all of the versions of the same costumes Ill have to make at different states of dirtiness will be a little bit of a headache, but I am so excited about it. This project should be a blast! the script is great, it has a really good message, it is pretty ambitious but the crew we have is amazing, plus we get to make a movie! It will will be the highlight of my semester, up there with Henry V opening.

The Light in the Piazza
In about a week, I start my design project for next season, The Light in the Piazza. I will be co designing this awesome musical and am so excited to hear the directors concept. unfortunately I don't get the break I thought I would between Henry V and this show, but it will be really fun to design a musical, and I'll be sure to post updates on that as I learn more about it.

If I thought last semester was the best yet, it is going to be nothing compared to this semester. I'm not likely to get much sleep, but I have all of these amazing opportunities coming my way and I am really just so excited and thankful all the time that I get to do all of this.

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