The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Eating Healthy

So I have recently decided that I wanted to eat healthier foods. before this decision my diet consisted of cereal for breakfast, a granola bar/trail mix/chips/other type of snack food for lunch, plus any junk food I may or may not decide to buy from the senior den that day (its dangerous having candy bars in a class you sit in for 2 hours available for a dollar) some more snacking when I got home, then whatever we were making for dinner. I mean I eat pretty healthy. I don't drink soda, not 2 much junk food thats SUPER bad for me but I wasn't necessarily eating super healthy either. now I'm not planning on turning into a crazy person who just eats organic vegetables and wheat grass and I don't know what else. but I am going to try to cut unnecessary preservatives, colorings and other chemicals out of my diet. basically I'm going to try to eat less processed foods, because if you think about it too hard, its actually pretty gross. so yes, my new resolution is to eat less prepackaged, processed type food, and replace it with fruits, veggies, or stuff I make myself...we'll see how long this lasts. wish me luck!



    Processed food is good food, they add everything good and nice and combine it into one product.

    Ah well at least you still have red meat, that not processed so eat huge slabs of that and i guess its "ok" :P

    I dont appreciate these attacks on my diet.

  2. When I had to first start buying my own food, I decided to eat healthier too. I got the "natural" peanut butter and cereal with lots of whole grains and less sugar than others, and no salt added canned veggies and other such things. I think its an easy and great idea to be honest.
    Good luck with it!
