The blog of one girl's quest to figure out what she wants to do with her life and what she is passionate about as she travels through college and beyond

Friday, September 30, 2011

College = awesome

So not a ton has happened lately, but I thought I would just say that Im still loving college. the girls on my hall are all so amazing, and provo 111th ward cant be beat! Ive met so many amazing people and done so many fun things. my classes are all going well. I had my first experience with the testing center, and It wasnt too bad at all. my sewing class is really really fun, probably one of my favorites, Im loving my dance class and my singing class, and my theater class is fun too!
this weekend I will get to see my parents and all of the youth from my ward back home, and I absolutely cant wait! for some reason this week has been amazing. there hasnt even been a specific reason. but it has just turned out great!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I haven't been this excited in a while

So I'm probably one of the happiest people on planet earth today, because this April, after after im done with school, I'm going to New York for a few days! its a trip that's part of the school of family life, so I heard about it in my sewing class. the trip is Saturday thru Thursday, there are about 25 people that go, and we spend a few days sight seeing, seeing shows, and learning about costume and clothing design and construction.
and the best mom is coming too!! not only will we get to have this experience together where we get to learn about something that we both enjoy, but I get to spend time with my mom in my favorite place in the world, and maybe once we get there, she'll understand why I love it so much <3

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

finally some semi-good news

well, after a few auditons, I still haven't been cast in anything. But its alright, I'm still feeling optimistic. I'm hoping to get into an acting class next semester, and with my dance and singing class this semester Ill definitely be an all around better performer than I was before, even if its just a little bit. So I'm still keeping my eye out for auditions to go to. but time for my semi-good news! I didn't get cast in my last audition, but I'm going to end up learning how to do sound for it...which is actually super terrifying because I don't want to mess it all up, but it will be a good experience I hope. Its not my ideal job, but hey, Im involved in a show and that's really all I want at this point.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This is where I'm supposed to be

can I please just say one more time that I love it here at BYU... it is one of the most amazing places on earth, and there really is nothing like it anywhere else on the planet. I really cant explain it, but I'll try.

Where else in the world can you go to a dance class where you are expected to dress modestly, where you start class off with a prayer, and where your teacher sees dance as a form of worship?

Where else in the world does a science textbook mention God, and where your professor talks about the connection between religion and science and how they really do go hand in hand?

Where else can you go to a writing class, and read examples of writing written by prophets and use your religious beliefs as valid reasoning in a persuasive essay

where else do hundreds of college kids decide that a fun night is to go sing hymns in a tunnel, and listen to where people are being sent on missions?

the list goes on and on but I'll just stop here. I don't really think my writing is doing my thoughts justice, but every day I am just so amazed by this place. and of course to someone not familiar with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, this all might sound a little weird. and it IS weird, college isn't like this most places, but I love it here and I know that this is where I am supposed to be.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

well, along with my first two college auditions came my first two college rejections. haha, I thought I might as well officially say somewhere that I for sure didn't get a part in either of those shows. I wasn't expecting much else, but it still wasn't the most fun experience of my life. but anyway, Im feeling alright, and ready to try again. thats pretty much all I can do in this situation is keep trying until it happens

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First College Auditions Ever

well guys, I did it. I seriously almost chickened out and didn't go, but I ended up auditioning for two shows today. the first was some Halloween show put on by a theater club on campus. I had to memorize a dramatic monologue for this. The memorizing wasn't too hard, and neither was actually doing it, but I just got so nervous. I  totally started shaking haha, which now that I think about it is SO embarrassing. but hey, I did it at least! The second audition was for "the Christmas Miracle of Johnathan Toomy" which is going to be a musical based off a book with lots of original music. I guess people in the theater department have been working on this show for the  past two years, totally crazy. we did some "movement" auditions, which wasn't dancing...I'm not exactly sure what it was, but they had us walk around different ways and speeds and do weird poses and stuff, it will be interesting to see how that translates into the end product. we also did some singing auditions where they called us all in one by one. This was pretty terrifying we also had to sing folk music, so not exactly my comfort zone there. but i did it, my voice was pretty wavery but they were all really nice and said I did a good job. So, I didn't do super great today, but not horrible. like I'm not thinking I got a part, and wasn't expecting to, but I had fun and it was a great experience. So, I came home, drowned the little bit of sorrows I had in a Twix bar, and now I'm sharing my stressful day with you. But I am definitely feeling great and cant wait to audition for something else!


So I did it! I survived my first few days of college, and so far I am absolutely loving it. there are awesome people everywhere, my classes are great and I'm just so excited about everything. so here is a final rundown of my classes:
Intro to Jazz: its an 8am class, but I think it will be worth it, we did a ton of stretching on wed, and all I've got to say about that is OUCH! I sure hope it works and I'm a little more flexible by the end of all of this. but I'm really really excited about it
Writing: I'm not exactly a big fan of writing, and as you can probably tell from reading my blog, I don't happen to be very good at it either, but my teacher for this is awesome. shes one of the girls from divine comedy and I got SO excited when I recognized her. she seems really nice, so I'm hoping the class will be good for me
Physical Science: the first three chapters of this haven't been to hard at all, most of it I already knew (thanks Mr Chan) and I just came home from my lab where I met the TA. she seems really nice and said this is a pretty easy class, so I'm not too stressed about this.
Theater Production 1: SOOOOO excited!!! the teacher is hilarious, it sounds like we are going to do some awesome things.
Book of Mormon:  there is going to be a lot of reading for this class, but im excited for it, I haven't been able to tell yet if it will be hard or not.
Sewing: haven't taken it yet, because the lab was canceled this week, but it should be good.
Singing: This one starts next week, but I am SO excited for it.

and thats about it. I've done quite a bit of homework and doing my best to keep on top of things

In other news, there are posters for auditions for stuff everywhere! I think I'm going to audition for 4 things in the next two weeks, so I guess we'll see how this goes. with the people I'll be up against I'm not expecting any call back at this point but I'm going to do my best and see what happens. It will be a good experience for me either way.